The Inauguration Ceremony of book entitled ” Environmental Studies” Written by Dr. Kalim Shaikh Department of Zoology and Dr. Rafik Shaikh Department of Botany, was held at Principal office on 20th December, 2021. The book was released with the hands of Principal Dr. Aftab Anwar Shaikh in presence of Vice Principal, Prof. Iqbal Shaikh, Head, Dept of Zoology Dr. Mujeeb Shaikh, Dr. Shoeb Ahmad, Dr. Aafreen Ahmad and Mrs. Anjum Pathan. This book is written as per SPPU Pune new syllabus of Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course- Environment Studies (CBCS PATTERN) at Undergraduate level. This book is useful for the students of all faculties of all Universities. Further, also helpful for preparation of various Competitive examinations.